mcintosh 501 vs 2102

i have the 501's love them, love them love them. but since i have a tube pre amp. (shindo monbrison) and just got a new mcintosh c2300 (in box never used yet) i was thinking to take the whole plung and go all tubes. now do i need all the power the 501's give me. no. who does really? 75-100w is good enough. to power almost all 4om speakers that i run. so has anyone tried the 2102, my dealer does not have it in at the moment,
No never heard the MC275. Me I like the idea od my tubes cruising with 200 watts for 16 x KT88's or 6550's vs 150 watts with 8 x KT88's or 6550's.

Whuch amp do you think is working harder??
I have the 2300 and the 501s and it's the perfect combination as far as I'm concerned. I have not heard the 2102 but I was deciding between the 501s, 402 and the 275 as monoblocks and I felt the 501s were the best of the lot with the 2300. It's just a wonderful combination in my opinion.
Downunder & I have similar systems and agree on these aspects, I have since sold my 2102's and use 2 MC2000's to power my modded Khorns along w/ my C2300. In all honesty I wish I never spent the xtra $$$$$ on the MC2000's, not much of a difference sound wise. Looks wise though......Hands down the most beautiful tube amp made!