McIntosh amp opinions?

Hello all, I currently have an old McIntosh MC2205.
The rest of my 2ch system is a Rega CD player, VTL 2.5 pre amp and Martin Logan Aeon speakers. My amp needs to go in for service as it now has unequal levels on each ch. I am asking opinions regarding this amp with my system as I have never had another amp with it. Is this amp (considering comparably priced and power) a good match? Or would I really improve things to upgrade either a different Mac or perhaps a VTL type tube amp? I listen to mostly HI-FI recording of rock and jazz at low volumes.

One interesting note, I recently upgraded cables from mid-line Transparent to Cardas Gold Reference and it was like I had a whole new system. Much better bass response, defiantly noticeable.

Thank you for you suggestions
Also....the amp has as stock a zip cord sized power cable and speaker binding post that are very small. I would like to keep the amp and improve these two areas as well as any internal upgrades. Has anyone ever done this before?
Dont do it.Dont ask why.No guarantee you'll notice and you will wreck a nice amp,YMMVBIDI
Dont do it.
I agreee . . . you will find VERY, VERY few modifications done in this manner that aren't complete butchery of a nice amplifier. Resale value will go down as well.
I'd wait til you get it back from being serviced to make a decision on getting a new amp. It may sound like a new amp to you. At 30+ years old, it was probably getting weak even before one channel went south. It's a great amp. I owned one for many years.