The obvious answer to my question is to try it and I will starting today. What I don’t have is the ability to try and compare a top level hearing aid to without aid and equalizer active. I’ll just have to pay to play.
Thanks for your feedback.
McIntosh Integrated MA-12000 Better Use Tone Controls or Wear Hearing Aids
I’ve done my hearing test and tomorrow I return for the big sale. My decision regarding this topic will influence my decision as to which aids to get. My hearing test shows that I dip below normal hearing sensitivity at 2 kHz and am 40dB down by 8 kHZ (the highest frequency tested). The eight band equalizer can be activated and I can alter the 2.5 and 10kHz centered bands. The manual doesn’t mention the slope of the roll off, or boost, but it seems that I can at least increase the 10kHz to somewhat compensate for my hearing loss and then listen without hearing aids on, but what cost am I paying by using the equalizer? I’ve no experience with this topic and would value some feedback.