McIntosh Integrated MA-12000 Better Use Tone Controls or Wear Hearing Aids

I’ve done my hearing test and tomorrow I return for the big sale.  My decision regarding this topic will influence my decision as to which aids to get.  My hearing test shows that I dip below normal hearing sensitivity at 2 kHz and am 40dB down by 8 kHZ (the highest frequency tested).  The eight band equalizer can be activated and I can alter the 2.5 and 10kHz centered bands.  The manual doesn’t mention the slope of the roll off, or boost, but it seems that I can at least increase the 10kHz to somewhat compensate for my hearing loss and then listen without hearing aids on, but what cost am I paying by using the equalizer?  I’ve no experience with this topic and would value some feedback.


The obvious answer to my question is to try it and I will starting today. What I don’t have is the ability to try and compare a top level hearing aid to without aid and equalizer active. I’ll just have to pay to play.

Thanks for your feedback.

I now realize that I’ve been wasting my tweeters on the Sabrina X. Adjusting the 10kHz equalizer totally changed the presentation. I had thought that there wasn’t much energy in the 10-20kHz region, but I discovered that there were violins, even in Holst, The Planets and the Trinity session totally transforms. The highs not only contributed to voice, but also to the ambience. I’m now listening to Moby and same story.  Not bad for a no cost upgrade.