Mcintosh MAC7200 or Hegel H390 for a new pair of Kef R7 META

I'm about to pull the trigger on a new pair of Kef R7 Metas. Which amp would be a better match? I love the look of the 7200, but does it have enough power for these speakers? 


Get the McIntosh, it’s 200wpc into 2, 4 and 8 ohms.  Hi Fi+ gushed over it. 

Hell yes! and then some, McIntosh rates all their amps conservetivly so it puts out a little more then stated as well :-) And the KEFs are rated at 88db sensitivity! so it will be very nice indeed.


Matt m


If it were me I’d spend the extra $1000 and get the 8950 instead of the 7200.  I believe the 7200 comes with the DA1 module and the 8950 comes with the DA2.  8950 also has tone controls and no receiver.  Either will drive the Kefs no problem.