McIntosh MC402

Has anyone examined and listened to the current McIntosh MC402 power amplifier? The MC402 is a 111-pound 400 wpc (into 2, 4, or 8 ohms) solid-state stereo power amplifier. I am very interested in this amp and would like to hear impressions from anyone who owns or has listened to it. Thanks.
Many people know this amp - check the archives.

I think it is the best amp I have ever heard, or rather I have never heard B&W N803 sound as good before. It was mated to the C46 and 205. I listened to them for hours with all types of music. I will get that Mc trio one of these days. Arthur
I've been using mine for about a year now. First w/ a Hovland HP100 pre, and now a Lamm LL2 Deluxe. My speakers were the VonShweikert VR4GenIIISE. Plenty of bass, very neutral sounding, and no glare detected. I switched to a pair of Merlin VSM-MM and the result was astounding. Just my 2 cents.
Good luck,
I have a MC352 which is the predessor to the 402. I was actually going to trade up to the 402 untill I spoke with 2 McIntosh reps that informed me the only 2 things I would gain was the FiberOptic Lighting and 50 watts. So to answer your question the 352/402 sound great I love the McIntosh sound with the autoformers. I can add that I have a MC7205 I use for theater sound and used it while I had the 352 being re-bulbed and the sound does not compare. The autoformer output stage adds so much detail and bass response. I recommend the 402 highly. I did listen in the showroom by the way and it does sound the same as the 352.
Great thread Texasdave - I am really considering the monobloc 501's but will compare them to the 402's. I haven't heard either one yet but have done a lot of research and they seem to fit my tastes. I really like the asthetics - hope the performance is on the same level! What is the rest of your system?
Hello I currently own a Mac 252 a mc 275, a c2200 and the little cd205 changer. Love them all. I have heard in my house, the 402 and the 501s. I have had all three there at the same results were. the 252 is the best bang for the buck, the 402 is a little better and the 501s were quite nice and were the best of the lot. They all share that famed mac sound, open lush and very inviting and musical...not fatiguing.

If money were not an issue I would have gotten the 501s...another twist is 2 252s into mono....might give that a try....which amp probably depends on the speakers....either way you win.