Mcintosh MX 150 any one heard it yet?

I am interested in opinions on the MX 150. I recently listened to it and thought it sounded really nice. 12k is a lot for a prepro but i guess if it fits my needs then why no spend the bucks right? D2v and SSP 800 seem to be the closest competitors. The mac's room correction seems to the game winner, though. I wish there were a few more options in prepros that are solid analog preamps, good hdmi ssp's that have room correction. I'm not too needy in the department of video processing BTW.
I just wanted to correct Tacomafran - HDMI 1.3 supports 3D. The 1.4 revision added ethernet and audio return channel capability to the HDMI standard.
I have the D2v and love it. The vid chip is first rate. Sound is good and it has lots of flexablity. I have had it for about 7 months. Just recently I looked at the Mcintosh at a dealer and it looked and sounded great and I think it was the newest model (I am looking at buying a new amp). So I do not think you will make a major mistake with either product.
Be aware that unlike previous McIntosh pre pro's, MX150 digitizes every input, including analogue. So if you want your MX150 to act as pure analogue pre amp - it won't.