Your statements fly in the face of long settled science.
Dude, google is your friend. Look it up: EMI ; RFI ; broadcast radiation. Halfwave rectifiers. Cell phones.......
Why does every research lab doing milspec research utilize power filtration: LASL; Sandia Labs; Lawrence/Livermore; KAFB; MIT; Stanford; NASA; DARPA; Fermi Institute; VVA; every semiconductor manufacturer on the face of the earth and on and on and on and...
You are just wrong. You are simply clueless. Do some homework. Try something.
Your statements fly in the face of long settled science.
Dude, google is your friend. Look it up: EMI ; RFI ; broadcast radiation. Halfwave rectifiers. Cell phones.......
Why does every research lab doing milspec research utilize power filtration: LASL; Sandia Labs; Lawrence/Livermore; KAFB; MIT; Stanford; NASA; DARPA; Fermi Institute; VVA; every semiconductor manufacturer on the face of the earth and on and on and on and...
You are just wrong. You are simply clueless. Do some homework. Try something.