
Responses from piaudiol

The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
@jim2  We know, they don't. Can you imagine any of the haters faces if they were hearing the NX-Tremes for the first time? 🤣  
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
I find it interesting that people love to hatchet others that they don't know on the 'net. @livinon2wheels I've known Danny for many, many years.  He and I don't agree on everything and that is OK.  He is extremely well respected in the industry... 
Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers
Jeez...  this is what happens with an old brain, late hours, no glasses and a stiff brandy: It should have read - "voltages in the 1350V - 4500V @ .12ma - 2.5ma."    
Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers
Hi, John. Good to see you here! After we spoke and I got to running the numbers on electrostatic speakers. Most ’Stats run voltages in the 350V - 450V at 12ma - 25ma. Current requirements are steady state and the speaker power supply does little ... 
Triode Wire Labs or NRG Custom The Five for my 300b SET tube amp?
TWL cables are tremendous values and Pete's customer service is second to one.  The 7+ cable is dynamic and was voiced on Pete's system which is 300B based.     People all too often think of power cables only in terms of gauge.  The geometry of c... 
UPS. Friend Or Foe?
UPS was the most unreliable shipper that I (tried to) use(d) when I was shipping my products when I was in business.  Shipments arrived damaged, were late or just flat lost.  UPS blows big wads. Domestically, USPS did less damage.  Internationall... 
Sharing ground wire between two dedicated circuits
Here you go.  This is the best treatise on wiring for AV/2-channel audio that I have seen.  Basically, it is the wiring scheme I have used for years.  This works.    
Advice for RCA Interconnect Upgrade?
+2 for Triode Wire Labs cables.   Owner, Pete Grzybowski, is an electrical engineer with 30+ years of experience in power and signal transmission.  His cables are honest, musical and affordable.  They never sound hard or strident, instead they r... 
Power conditioner vs use of a audio grade outlet?
One deserves the other. In audio, everything effects (and affects) everything else. Why would a person seeking absolute excellence in playback scrimp on any power supply component?  Penny wise and pound ($7,000.00) foolish. There are many great... 
Open Baffle Experience
These kind of "discussions" always end with some people showing their ignorance about how the real world works.   "A four-dimensional space ( 4D) is a mathematical extension of the concept of three-dimensional or 3D space. Three-dimensional space... 
So, I listened to a $1Million Dollar System
It's because all of these once great companies have become parodies of themselves trying to eclipse "the last great thing."    I remember my Krell KSA80 amps blowing my mind with gut-wrenching LF control and sweet mids and highs.  WTF did I sell ... 
Ditch your USB cable for Toslink? Might surprise you!
USB? - yes. Toslink?  Oh, HELL NO!  
Why do hipsters prefer analog?
Maybe because it sounds..."gasp"... *better*.  
How best to eliminate LP warps
Back when I had an extensive vinyl collection I used 2 pieces of plate glass.  Put the record between them, set the sandwich in the sun early in the morning and retrieve it at night.  Here in the desert southwest it worked like a charm.  
High current power cables
Artemis 5: Wrong.   Example: Krell Audio Standard Example: PASS XS300 Many more... They will function and sound constipated. Blanket statements don't fly in audio.