Meitner SACD1000 owners....

Should I avoid purchasing one of these units used or with the identified fixes in place, is it operating fine? I'm looking for a reasonably priced transport that allows my DAC to operate as the master clock (via BNC connection). I also like the fact that this unit has balanced digital out - a noce fit with my pro DAC.

The Meitner SACD 1000 lines up nicely with my requirements but I do not want to get one if it is going to plauged with problems. Please advise and thanks in advance for your feedback.
i really wouldn't do it unless they've been operated on by alex peychev. any one that he hasn't personally fixed will die again sooner or later.

that having been said, i think that the SACD-1000 can't be clocked externally except by an emmlabs device.

i could be wrong about that, though.

the good news is that alex peychev can take the Emmlabs digital module out of the SACD-1000 and apply it to a Denon 3910 which gives it all the functionality of the Meitnerized SACD-1000 without any of the reliability issues.

the only caveat is you have to supply your own module. if you need help locating one, send me a PM.
Can the the so called "dead units" still be used as a transport for CD's or do the problems extend beyond SACD playback? Thanks.
I have a Philips SACD-1000 with the emmLabs module installed by emmLabs. The module is perfect but the SACD-1000 failed. As Lazarus28 suggests, you could have Alex Paychev install the emmLabs module in the Denon 3910 and retain all the functionality of the Meitnerized SACD-1000 but without all the failure problems of the SACD-1000.
The emmLabs module listed at $1500 installed in the owner's player.
I'll sell my SACD-1000 with the installed emmLabs module as is for $550 including shipping in the US.