members and their systems

for the short time I have been on here, I see that members will start a thread asking about a certain piece of equipment or speakers..       they will then buy that piece of equipment / speakers, start a thread about it saying how good it is and then next thing you know, they are starting another thread asking about another piece of gear as they are looking for something different.           what happened to that piece of gear that was so great ?       
  i get the whole buying thing....but where are members getting the money to do all of this stuff ?       do they not have other bills such as rent / mortgage payment, car payment, other bills to pay for also ?
@ghasley should be a t shirt dude, so erudite. Ya commercial property asset values are due for turbulence....I see conversion to condo happening bigtime in constrained growth Boston.

i liked your thinking on 1% also @whart we need to chat again soon brother..

to the OP, your first question is deserving of a lot of focus. i know a lot of gear churners, i draft behind them....big king salmon eat the bait that wild Coho salmon wound...too busy slasshing and moving to eat.... so there is a lot of super gear out there....

have fun
A good thread, y'all.....'educational' to state a least,...*s*  It can be a pricey hobby, pursuit, endeavor....that 'music thing' we chase, each in our own.....
I quit chasing the peaks when the cost of the climb grew too steep to attain, at least for me.  The spec'd numbers grew or shrank, adding zeros or numbers before or behind the decimal point that I couldn't hear.....

"Fine wine", expensive cars, the trappings or traps of to sample, easy to avoid...

I've not spent a fortune on the new, used, and vintage of my stuff.
It pleases my ears for the most part, allows for the esoteric part....

Semi-retired....until CEO/spouse finds a stand-in, no need to hold breath there...*s*  

Meanwhile, logged in on a laptop in the hospital after having the little toe of my right foot amputated.....

I have no short stories....;)
Miller, you failed to mention the reason for not having cell phone, so I can't process that.  However, millions of Americans don't have it. And millions of Americans are actually doing quite well financially. Very expensive audiophile stuff is one thing but something modest worth, say, $50k is another. Again, millions can afford it if they really want it.
"...he started crying that his new BMW was vandalized.....he said yah... I earn good money..."

Why didn’t he pay for garage?

He has a garage in his building, the cars was screwed no matter of that. 


You certainly don't need my permission to do anything, that is quite a logical leap.   I did not say in any manner that any of the replies contained a question about income.  What I did say is the OP in an off-handed way did ask that very question.
" ...but where are members getting the money to do all of this stuff ?"

I guess I'm the odd man out then, I really couldn't care less what people have or how they got it.  One last thing, please don't put me and MC in bed together.  I have agreed and disagreed with him just as I have with quite a few people on this forum.  
