Meridian 808.2i vs Ayon CD-5?

I'm looking to upgrade my current CD player which is the Audio Aero Capitole Reference and have narrowed down my choices to the Meridian 808.2i and the Ayon CD-5, each of which has the features I'm looking for: a preamp section to run the unit directly into my amp (a VAC Phi-200 100W tube amp), and a wealth of digital and analog inputs.

Unfortunately I do not have access to either unit where I live and have to buy sight unseen so am relying on the Audiogon community's experience of each one to make my decision. The Meridian's MSRP is substantially higher than the Ayon's ($16,000 vs. $9,500) but since it's being replaced by the Meridian 808.3 shortly I am getting a good deal on one of the last remaining pieces so the price differential is not really an issue. The main difference between the two appears to be that Meridian's appoach to avoiding digital glare is to use an apodising filter while Ayon's approach is to use tubes and a massive power supply.

Anyway, the community's insights into these units, especially from folks who've heard both would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Does the Meridian 808.3 differ sonically from the Meridian 808.2? The Meridian website gives very little information about the 808.3. (I own an 808.2)
I don't know the answer to that. Anyway I'm interested in the 808.2 so your thoughts on that would be appreciated. Are you extremely happy with your purchase?
It updates the analogue to digital section (the "preamp"), adds a Sooloos card, removes the CD only option and jacks the price up to $20K:
Smazi, I'm happy with my purchase. Among other things, there is an unexpected bonus. That is, the soundstage is much better than I had expected. I have a difficult room (instead of a side wall for the left speaker, there is a large opening into another room). Before getting the 808.2, I had corrected for the room disparity by using the balance control on what was then my preamp. The Meridian, however, rendered the balance control unnecessary for many of my CDs, and I sold the preamp and bought a better one without a balance control.
I am waiting for my 808.3 which I am exhanging for my 808.2i.Any owners of 808.2 here?