I went to the show for about 2 hours Friday just to hear the Merlin room and the Epiphany room. The sound in the Merlin room was outstanding (much better than Epiphany room). I have never heard any of the pervious Merlins before, and I was truely blown away by how great that 2 way speaker sounded for its size. I am not an audio critic / writer, so I'll spare you my attemp at describing the details. I will say the sound was 'alive', exciting, fun and easy to listen too. I wished I had brought my own discs to try. I liked them so much that I told the owner Bobby that I'd be putting my order in for a pair of VSM-VX within a week, and I meant it. I disagree with previous comments on the bass, which I though sounded right on the mark. Perhaps the setup changed throughout the show.
The Epiphany room was a huge dissapointment. There were 3 rows of 3 seats, and I had the center seat back row. All of the seats were full. After about 5 minutes of listening, I asked the guy behind me (an epiphany employee) why the sound was only comming from the left had side? He said he thought it was the recording (which made me wonder why they would select it). No one else was saying anything. After anther minute or so, I couldn't stand it any more so I got up and walked over to the right channel speaker and put my ear up next to it, and it wasn't playing!! This revelation sent the room into a flurry of activity trying to debug the problem. Later, when it was corrected, I asked if the large subwoofer was playing, and the answer was 'we think so, but its not set very loud'. OK guys. At that point I left. Presumably, they got their act together later on in the show, since I was one of the first people there on Friday morning.