I'm very happy with my system right now. I'm focusing on my DAC/Pre-amp combo. Deciding if I should run DAC straight into amps or keep the Rowland Pre-amp which I have fallen in love with.
I just traded in my PerfectWave 2 for the new PS Audio Hotness DirectStream DAC. It arrives in May. I want to also try the Rowland Aeris, Meitner and Esoteric DAC's, although my gut is telling me that for my tastes, it will be between the new DirectStream and the Rowland.
Once that's done I can decide direct or keep the pre.
Once I'm there, I'm happy.
I'm picking up the Ultra SS footers today to swap out my mini's. Looking forward to that. I'm lucky to live about 2 miles from Merrill, so maybe I can borrow a pair of twins when the opportunity arises. But I'm not interested right now as the music my system is currently making is beyond words!