Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers

I'm about to purchase a pair. Just wondering if current owners are still thrilled with there's? It will be replacing reference Coda 15.0 amp. Any replies are much appreciated!
Hi Guido- thanks for chiming in again! Yes I would love to own the Siamese Twins. But being that Merrill was kind enough to sell the VERITAS amps to me as a demo pair, I was able to them at a reduced cost. Maybe someday(3-5 years) I will be able to afford that hot dish. Thanks Guido, now you have me wondering.... ; ) Any Siamese Twins owners out there?!

Hey Matt- thanks for the compliment & chiming in again! Looks like you have a killer system there. VA The Music speakers are awesome looking/sounding speakers & must very dynamic with the VERITAS driving them! Do you have any inclination to try the Twins someday?!
Hey Al, I tried to find the technical specs of the Siamese on the Merrill site, but no cigar... Do you have a link to them?

I'm very happy with my system right now. I'm focusing on my DAC/Pre-amp combo. Deciding if I should run DAC straight into amps or keep the Rowland Pre-amp which I have fallen in love with.

I just traded in my PerfectWave 2 for the new PS Audio Hotness DirectStream DAC. It arrives in May. I want to also try the Rowland Aeris, Meitner and Esoteric DAC's, although my gut is telling me that for my tastes, it will be between the new DirectStream and the Rowland.

Once that's done I can decide direct or keep the pre.

Once I'm there, I'm happy.

I'm picking up the Ultra SS footers today to swap out my mini's. Looking forward to that. I'm lucky to live about 2 miles from Merrill, so maybe I can borrow a pair of twins when the opportunity arises. But I'm not interested right now as the music my system is currently making is beyond words!
Mattnshilp, several things.

1) If you have not done so already with the Ultra SS.
Make sure NOT to seat them against the bottom of the Veritas Amps. Leave a space the size of a playing card or so.
Make sure to unseat or crack the top hat of the Ultra SS about a half a turn or so.
If you do not do the above you will not get the best out of the Ultra SS.

2) Get better power cords if you have not done so. Ask Merrill about trying the new Waveform Power Cables. WOW for the money.

3) I owned the PS Audio PW/MKII at one time. Please let us know what you think of the new Direct Stream DAC.

Also I would love to hear your system some time and talk Audio if you are up to it. If so please PM.
Veritas and Horn Speakers. A match made in Heaven.

Who said Class D Amps and Horn Speakers do not go together.

I have heard the Veritas with these Horn Speakers.

Sadurni Acoustics Staccato horn speakers

I had a chance to hear the two together in a dedicated treated room a few times and was blown away by what I heard.

I was never a big Horn Speaker guy. As good as Horn Speakers can sound there was always that horn sound that ruined it for me.

But these horn speakers do not seem to have that problem.

Of course they are not cheap but if they are in your price range (and you have the room for them) you owe it to yourself to hear them.

With the Veritas Amps the sound they produced was breathtaking.

With really great tube amps the sound was very good but the Veritas Amps allowed every bit of detail to be heard but without being harsh or dry sounding. The sound was not bright or spotlighted. The leading and trailing edges are spot on. All the harmonics right on. It was just so right in all aspects of sound reproduction.

Run, no, take a jet plane and hear this combo. But be ready to buy, because your are going to want this setup.

I know I would if I could swing it. Well, at least I have the Veritas Amps.