Mesa Baron

Not a question, really, just looking to share something with any users of the Mesa Baron all-tube power amp (now sadly discontinued).

I just found THE preamp to match this high-gain amp, after trying for 10 years. It's the Promitheus Audio TVC (passive transformer volume control).

Over the past 12 years, I've used the Baron in 3 phases - back in 96-97, when it first came out, when I reviewed it for a publication; then in 2000-2001 when I bought and then sold one ... and finally, in 2004, which I intend to keep until Hell freezes over.

I've used McCormack's passive TLC-1 preamp (a pretty great match), Audio Research low-gain LS15 and LS16, Quicksilver Linestage and many others ... but something just clicked with the TVC.

Just in case anyone's still in the hunt to optimise their Baron's performance. Do note - all the while, I've been using the stock version. I have, however, messed around with the input driver tubes (AX7) - the onboard Russion Sovteks have the best punch, Tungsols sound cleaner and airier, and Mullards are just too syrupy for me ... :)

Appreciate any thoughts ...

I can only imagine how difficult and expensive it would be to send the amp back to Mesa for the mods, from Malaysia! You might be able to get it done locally with advice from Mesa. The mods cost almost $1000 in 1998; they included better caps and 3-way switches which help prolong tube life. Yes, Mesa does sell (and match) tubes, and they say that the 6l6's they offer now sound much better than the 5881's it originally came with. Depending on whether you got it through the "authorized" retail chain, I suppose, Mesa still honors their promise to sell tubes to original owners for 1/2 price. You have persuaded me to set my sights on a Bent Audio TAP-X (the only passive/transformer-based pre with remote control that I know of; if anyone knows of others, please advise). Recently, the Experience Head One came highly recommended for the Baron by one who should know.
I forgot to add that I have had the best results with old Telefunken input tubes, but the difference was very subtle and I am not sure it is worth the trouble and expense.
If you're looking at something cost effective:

Otherwise, a passive tvc shud work great. I've written to the Mesa people to check on the tubes and upgrades, let's see ...

Yes, I bought the amp from the authorised dealer!
Hi, I also bought a Baron this week just to test. Amp is in great condition but still has first original 5881 tube set. Think is not in excellent condition anymore afer all these years and I think to replace also to avoid damage of the amp or my speakers.

Has anyone listened to TUNG-SOL 6L6 G (bottle) in this amp. Is this tube working/matching with the Baron? Could someone tell me something about the mods you've written? It's possible to use the EL34 tube set without any modification or is amp originally sold with EL34 the same like the 5881 version?

Many questions. Thanks for your help; amp is very rare here in Europe so it's hard to find someone to help me.

The guy I got my Baron from had replaced the 5881s with Russian 6N3CEs. These tubes failed, blew out some resistors and ate one of my tweeters.

I fixed the amp and installed a matched set of 6L6s, but was always worried it would eat some more drivers. Hopefully, the next owner got more enjoyment out of it.

BTW- there's no need to use XLR cables, the input section is not balanced.