Yes, that appears to be the case as far as I can tell from the datasheet, George. With the slight qualification that while the D/A conversion is accomplished by a resistor ladder, strictly speaking it's not an R2R ladder (see page 19, pdf page 20, of the datasheet).
We'll see if Ric can obtain confirmation of that when he calls Analog Devices. But as he indicated, that interpretation is given added credibility by the fact that TotalDAC and MSB Technology, which use R2R ladder approaches (albeit with discrete resistors, and at vastly higher price points, and with at least several additional bits worth of performance), also do not require or incorporate I/V conversion.
-- Al
We'll see if Ric can obtain confirmation of that when he calls Analog Devices. But as he indicated, that interpretation is given added credibility by the fact that TotalDAC and MSB Technology, which use R2R ladder approaches (albeit with discrete resistors, and at vastly higher price points, and with at least several additional bits worth of performance), also do not require or incorporate I/V conversion.
-- Al