Richard, I am a big Little Feat fan, and I might agree with you on their later records, but the first three are rough - even in the original vinyl product as I recall. And I think the original CD re-master of Dixie Chicken is downright awful, which is too bad because what wonderful material and performances.
Perhaps there was an intention on the part of Lowell George and the recording engineer for the sound to be a bit coarse and loose. Most people at the time these recordings came out weren't playing them on five to six figure systems, and if they were - they may not have had the capacity to tell the difference when "listening" in any case;-)
Perhaps there was an intention on the part of Lowell George and the recording engineer for the sound to be a bit coarse and loose. Most people at the time these recordings came out weren't playing them on five to six figure systems, and if they were - they may not have had the capacity to tell the difference when "listening" in any case;-)