Interested in hearing about tube rolling experiences with the Orchid and other MHDT dacs, namely, the specific comparative sonic characteristics of the various 396a, 5670 and other compatible tubes used in the output buffer. My only experience is with the WE396a that Linear Tube Audio installed in my new Orchid.
Hi jjss49

How do you know how the Russian tube would sound? Is that from experience with one, or from someone else’s review, or is there a "way to tell" ?

i have it here, have listened to it - it is the only way to know, for sure

i have many pieces of gear that run 6dj8 equivalents... i have quite a collection of these tubes (~200 accumulated over the years), probably 15-20 different makes and variants... and have listened to most if not all of them all over time
Try a NOS Siemens, Telefunken or Valvo CCa. All-but-equal is the Mullard CV2492. The Tesla 6CC42 is very good in the native socket, as is the excellent Bendix 2C51, but these alternatives in the 6922 family via adapter are in all ways better.

I’ve been considering an Orchid, and I just noticed on the LTA website that the WE396A upgrade is unavailable, but they are offering an Ericsson 5670 for the same price. With all the hoopla about using 6922 or 6SN7 converters, I’m wondering if I’m better off skipping the small tubes altogether and going straight to bigger tubes. I see the 6SN7 requires a case mod and the tube sticks up quite a bit. Does the 6922 require a mod as well?

6922 on top of converter will go through the cut out of the top plate... unlike the 6sn7 whose diameter is larger than the hole in the top plate, thus running that tube w converyer you need to run without top plate or enlarge the hole

but the 6922 with converter plug will sit tall, will protrude up far above the level of the top plate by 2/3 of the glass envelope of the tube
I tried the 6SN7 with the converter in my Orchid and did not care for it. No experience with the 6922.