Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet

I'm not sure who I can trust anymore.....




He is clearly very passionate about music, “listen(s) to everything” (all genres), has a subscription to the NY Philharmonic, is very funny, doesn’t care that his listening room looks a mess and is not afraid to make a joke about offering a good review in exchange for gear. And some still wonder why he has so many fans?

For those who think Fremer quirky, you should have met Dr Harvey "Gizmo" Rosenberg, soi-disant Thermionic Techno-Shaman.

It's the small touches—note the fire extinguisher?

Now he was a truly eccentric and worthy man.

Fremer is the best writer for anything analog period. I'm just hoping his skin thickens a bit with the new gig.

Fremer described himself best when he quoted a reader who said he was, "a haberdasher to emperors." MF has definitely broadened the analog horizons by writing about many different turntables, cartridges and phono stages over the years. I appreciate and have learned from his passion. Like some others have already said, I do not rely on his opinions for my buying decisions. For that I am more likely to trust the British press and even then you need the salt shaker.