Micro Seiki MA 505 vs Triplanar MK VII UII

I have both of these arms and was considering selling the Micro Seiki, I have read some good things about it. It just doesn't get that much play these days. I don't need to sell it but as I said it doesn't get much play and maybe someone else could enjoy it. I can't see putting a expensive cartridge on it to compare it to my triplanar/Sotto Voce cartridge setup just for the sake of knowing so any insight would be appreciated!!!


Hi cleeds, Your quotation is selective. I also stated ''My Triplanar

can't track anything above 50 Microns''. You should try whatever

cart you like and if any of them get more then 50 microns I will

accept your denial.


... I also stated ''My Triplanar can't track anything above 50 Microns ...

If you're stating that the Triplanar's tracking is easily bested by the FR regardless of cartridge, then I have to wonder about the state of your Triplanar. Did you buy it used?

I assume your don't listen to "test records" and since you own both arms, why not just keep the arm that sound best to "you".  You don't need published reviews to validate your decision.  Trust your ears. 
Wasn't looking for published reviews just the opinions of others who know from their own trials and tribulations...

Hi cleeds, You are avoiding my question. My question was if

any of your carts can track more than 50 microns with your

Triplanar?  Your question if MY Triplanar was new or second

hand has nothing to do with my question. My assumption is that

because of the energy transfer problem by Triplanar (pace Syntax)

this arm resonate by 60 microns trackabilty test and skeeps the

grooves at this ''obstacle''.  I asked the same question in the

Triplanar thread but got no answer whatever.