You should add Sim Audio to this list also.
Mid-Fi Integrated Amps?
So I'm slowly moving up the stereo food-chain and I am seeking suggestions. I purchased a pair of PSB Synchrony 1B speakers and a Sony xa5400ES CD player. I'm using an older Denon receiver that is my next piece to be replaced. I'm thinking an integrated amp in the 100-150 watts range or thereabouts to get the best out of my speakers. My budget is around $1500 and the contestants so far are an NAD C275bee, the Anthem 225, and the Cambridge 840A. Their are 2 Anthem dealers reasonably close, but neither has the 225 as a demo. The other two I've listened to, but not in my system yet. I'm looking for suggestions from those that have long-term listening with Synchrony speakers or other amps within my budget that I've overlooked. Thanks