Mid Morning Listening Sessions - Sounds the Best

Sometimes when I get a chance to listen to music in the Mid Morning time frame, everything sounds just right,
I’m not thinking about the next piece to upgrade to, just toe tapping and enjoying the music.

I’m not sure why this is true (for me) - Are my ears hearing better in the morning ?
Is the power (to the house) cleaner in the morning?

Whatever it is, I’ve noticed this happen on more than one occasion.

Does the time of day influence your music enjoyment?
I suspect a night night session with a few adult beverages might be optimal for most.

Anyway just a random thought for today,
There are less external noises mid-morning and at night where I live, so those are the best times for me. I have a tube preamp and a hybrid power amp so I can't leave them on all day. 
Interesting observation. I schedule all my most critical meetings and appointments for 10-10.30 because I feel the most alert and on my game after good rest, breakfast and a cup of coffee. Thank you for a great excuse to bail out of work next week and test this hypothesis. My system stays on 24/7 because I can take my pre out of tube mode. Makes sense to me. 
I like listening at any hour, but there's just something really enjoyable about listening in the morning hours to jazz or vocal ballads while enjoying a fine cup of African or Guatemalan home-roasted coffee.  

I'm finding the same, I'm going to do some noise measurements, see if my complex just has a lot of noise later in the day.