midrange forwardness

Could any of you tell me how to get more midrange? My system (solid state) is a bit lean and laid back sounding. I would like to have a full sounding midrange and a sound that is somewhat tilted towards the lower midrange. Thank you.
System: MBL 1621 transport-Accuphase C-290V preamp-Gruensch CSE II se power amplifier-Soundlab A-1 (electrostatic) speakers.

Sometimes it can be as easy as moving your speakers a bit forward from your listening area

ATC will give you close to the best "electrostatic sound" with a tilt towards the lower midrange that is missing on some panels. Not as perfect in the midrange as you can get from the best panels but overall much better dynamically (not laid back) and an excellent all round choice because of the bass and treble. Gordon Holt used large Soundlabs for many years and more recently got active SCM 50's. Both are excellent speakers but ATC is more dynamic and forward, and seems to have more emphasis in the lower mids (male vocals come out very realistic).