Midwoofer/tweeter speaker

**MID + ** Woofer**.  So you are saying this speaker can  voice both fq's?

**Mid** + **Tweeter** , Again same idea, both lower highs (mids) +  high fqs,  voiced in one unit.

Is this what Seas ScanSpeak, SB Acoustics is claiming?


I don't believe it.

I just ain'ty buying.

In my research/experimentations, the one  struggles  in fq's above say,,ohh I dont  know, maybe 1800hz, TOPS, ,,IF THAT..,,and the  **Mid** /tweeter , attempting fq's below,,,oh I dont know,  lets say 3k hz. 


's a  signifucant gap there folks, and worse of all, the 1600 - 3khz, is the very heart, sould life bllod of our music.

Especially my classical cd collection, where core mid fq's, is everything.

 I dont know what say you?

Here's where my dual FR  shine in the super duper critcal fq mid-zone.

All my  1950's operas never sound so live, as if you are on the front row seat. Higher sens + seamless mid range. Huge advantages over your  commercial/consumer box speakers.

*Mid* woofer + *Mid* tweeter, nice try but no cigar.

Note:: have you seen what all the big labs are doing lately,,, sticking a  whole bunch of speakers ina  cabinet , in a  vain, worthless attempt to equal what a Full Range can perform in the mid core fq  band width.

More does not, never did, never will fill in a  hz range that is not in their ability to voice. 

Redundancy. Louder , for sure,

But the flaw remains.

You will not understand  this post unless you actually place a  FR next to your speaker.

I m talking Wilson;s Monolithic towers, with 6-8 speakers in each cabinet.




TO ALL THE AUDIOGONNERS BACK IN @))@ish when I posted my Q, 

Speaker shootout OK Corral, one of the longest threads in audiogons History,,,now some 20 yrs later,,I figured thinbgs out on MY OWN..  as the old cantor sang,,**And I did in my OWN WAYYYYY** Old Frankie, 

Did need your help, 1000's of posts, not one could figure out my answer,


This was the answer,.

Of course all those members  have since moved on....

Hope you guys had a  good   path in your audio journey.

I found my life speaker. Til death do we part.

Adios amigos.

carry on.



the last mojo is what I think about XOVER BOX so called **LOUDDDDDDDD* speakers, Dali, Wilson, Rockport, Vandy, Tekron, Zu. how could I forget B&W, = same as Bose,,haha

SONUS FABER @ $1000000.

DISTORTION bloated. Muddy midwoofers, Tinny tweeters in the 3k hz.. at $10000000 Wilson

My FR At $1500 LESS than 1500. 

+ dual tweeters all 4 LESS THAN 1500

Go figure.


To quote Margaret (Bob and Margaret)...


"Well, OK then."





It's been interesting learning who preaches about what on this forum.

I don't even have to guess with some folks. Same drum and another new post to beat on it. Around the track and again...    Maybe something new will arise.