Ming Da MC-3008-A2 Mono Blocks

Can anyone comment on the sound and quality of the Ming Da MC-3008-A2 Mono Blocks from Pacific Valve?...

I can't find any reviews. The tube topology is (2)12AX7, (2)12AU7, (2)300B, (2)805 tubes.

I am also curious, how would it compare to the Ming Da 845 amp?...

I am going to run it as a integrated amp with a Cambridge Audio CDP 640v2. Speakers are Paradigm S40 v3.

Showing 1 response by saki70

88man ;
I was checking that very same amp out and could only find two reviews . One was done by a Pacific Valve employee . The other , was not very favorable at all . Everything else that I could find was from people , asking for wiring diagrams , who wanted to use this amp as a base for rebuilding . All of this was in the SET section of Audio Asylum .

Now you have a favorable review above .That is one good , one bad , one questionable and several that don't consider it good enough to use as a stock unit . I decided to look elsewhere for now .
It is a shame that there are not more reviews for this unit as it does read as a possible good piece . If you do decide to try it out , I would be very interested in your opinion .

Good luck .