Ming Da MC767-RD Tube Phono Stage

I am in the market for an inexpensive (sub $1,000) phono stage for my office system. Poking around on E-bay I stumbled across this unit made in China.

Is anyone familiar with it? From the photos it appears to be nicely constructed by I can't dig up any reviews or comments on the unit.

Ken Golden
Very well build, poor sound. Sound is tiny, lack of bass, shouting mids and vocals, low resolution, not enough gain. The schematic they use is probably the schematic I tried 20 years ago. Only two of the tubes are used for phono stage. The others are power supply. There is a mistake in the power supply. It still works, but not the way supposed to be. I modified mine Ming Da phono. Totally change the conception. Add MC step up transformers also. The imrovement is amazing!!!! Now is so detailed warm, open. It's like nigh and day. Even I like it. I am very critical to the sound. Modification cost me extra $250.00
I am the importer-distributor for Ming Da (same as Mei Xing) tube phono stage.

I am listing this on Audiogon as we speak.

I wrote you an email asking about your product a week ago and received no response. I have now ordered the EAR 834 P. You should answer email sent from Audiogon ads as quickly as you do in the forums.