Mistakes I’ve made

Lending out audio gear!

Loaned a turntable to a relative- he tossed it in the trash when he was done with it and switched to cd

Loaned a turntable to a friend- he has no idea what happened to it 

Loaned a receiver and cassette deck to a relative- he bought a mini system and threw out my gear 

Loaned another receiver to a friend- got smashed 

what “why did I do that” moments have you had? 
Post removed 
The thought that someone else will value things in the same fashion is a great setup for disappointment. Once I give it, it's gone, no longer mine. Shall I pretend that life is about protecting physical items that went another direction? No thank you! If they wish to destroy it, and the potential value it can bring to them, fine. Their problem. Obviously, all the intent in the world to make someone value things similarly doesn't work. So, why stress about it? 

Because when you borrow something you're only a temporary caretaker, and duty bound to return what you've borrowed, none the worse for the wear. 
Reminds me of...

"To all the girls I’ve loved before

Who travelled in and out my door
I’m glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I’ve loved before

To all the girls I once caressed
And may I say I’ve held the best
For helping me to grow
I owe a lot I know
To all the girls I’ve loved before

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away"