MIT Cables

I've been an Audioaddict for about 3 decades and have tried about every usual suspect wire at or under about $600
in that time, only ones missing are probaly Kimber and Clear Day.
I've finally settled on all MIT ic's and SC, not because I think they are necessarily the best at anthing but because they are at least good with everything.
And, I guess like many audio fools, I do change speakers more than might be necessary .And there does seem to be at least some synergy in a one-brand hookup/

I REALLY would like others opinions, probaly more audio smarts on here than anywhere else on planet.
I don't really think that "audio intelligence" has a lot to do with your preferences in cabeling. There may be some arguement about the MIT interface and what it does, technically but if it sounds good to you,isn't that sufficient. My taste and preferences were dictated in large part by the system my cables are used in. Your system may be completely different and require very different cables. I don't have my system listed (Lazy that's all) but I use entry level , but still expensive Jena Lab speaker cables which are all copper.
I agree MITs are a solid choice with everything I have used them with at least, though no cable will always necessarily sound "the best".

I use the older and less expensive Terminator series ICs specifically.