MIT Shotgun Question.

I have shotgun S3 from cdp (rotel 1072)to rotel pre 1069(in bypass mode) to rotel 1075 amp.The setting from cdp to pre is set at high as pre input sensitivity is 100kohm.The setting in shotgun S3 is set at low for pre to amp as amp is 33kohm.
Does anyone using Mit interconnects stay with the recommended settings?Reason I ask is when I set the IC going from pre to amp everything is very clean and crisp but lacks in musicality and is very cold sounding.There is just no smoothness to the music.But if I set the IC to medium from pre to amp the sound stage opens up and though there is a slight loss of clarity everything sounds more rounded.smooth and open.
Could the specs on my amp be wrong?This is not just with music from cdp but with all sources.Tv,dvd,bluray.Any thoughts from MIT users would be appreciated.Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by richard_stacy

i have also been unable to find any cable to better my mit stuff throughout my system. some of them are much older models too but still best any of the current reference stuff i have listened to. regarding mit power products, i recently began using the z-stabalizer3 hg and have found it to be outstanding, even on my amplifier. this device has the power correction, filter and surge/spike protection. it is fine to use with high current stuff too. the oracle power cables will change things for you too. i was just reading a thread where they were discussing how well designed equipment will have little benefit from good power products and i was laughing to myself. if they could only hear whats going on in my living is truly remarkable...
09-17-09: Audiofeil
Cables are listener and system dependent.

It's that simple and not disputable.

well the op found that his mit products took him to "paradise" so it seems appropriate for others to help him understand how experiences with similar products took their systems forward. not sure where your post was directed...?