MIT Shotgun Question.

I have shotgun S3 from cdp (rotel 1072)to rotel pre 1069(in bypass mode) to rotel 1075 amp.The setting from cdp to pre is set at high as pre input sensitivity is 100kohm.The setting in shotgun S3 is set at low for pre to amp as amp is 33kohm.
Does anyone using Mit interconnects stay with the recommended settings?Reason I ask is when I set the IC going from pre to amp everything is very clean and crisp but lacks in musicality and is very cold sounding.There is just no smoothness to the music.But if I set the IC to medium from pre to amp the sound stage opens up and though there is a slight loss of clarity everything sounds more rounded.smooth and open.
Could the specs on my amp be wrong?This is not just with music from cdp but with all sources.Tv,dvd,bluray.Any thoughts from MIT users would be appreciated.Thanks.
09-17-09: Audiofeil
Cables are listener and system dependent.

It's that simple and not disputable.

well the op found that his mit products took him to "paradise" so it seems appropriate for others to help him understand how experiences with similar products took their systems forward. not sure where your post was directed...?
One thing is for sure, I've never heard a bigger, deeper and more acousticaly complete musical soundscape than with MIT products. You can get softer, smoother, richer etc...but not more realisic:O) FYI, the new Gen 3 cables have a very close kinship to the MA cables vs the previous generation stuff. I am amazed at the more visceral and palpable presentation generated by my S1.3 cables vs my older V2.2 cables. There is also better definition and detail retrieval.
I'm coming late to this party. Just happened upon it because I was interested in what others thought about the MIT 1.3 speaker cables versus Cardas Golden Cross. I have to say that as much as I liked the Golden Cross with my Joseph Audio rm25XL's, when I switched to Focal Diablo Utopia's, I have really enjoyed (or think I have enjoyed) my new MIT Shotguns more. "Blown away" in audiophilese means that you can actually hear a difference, LOL. But my honest perception (and not A/B'd) is that the MIT's have a sweet synergy with my current system, so much so that I have remarked to my long-suffering wife that I have exactly the sound I want right now.
Hang on to the Gen 3 cables...MIT is starting to cheapen up it's cable line. Circuit boards for almost all cables now...gen 3 stuff still has discreet components=better sound overall!