MIT Tube Cables and Solid State Amps?

I am looking at buying a Pr. of MIT MH 770 CVT Terminator Refrence II Twin - Tube speaker cables. I did not think these cables were compatable with Solid State Amps but the buyer is telling me that he used them with Krell Amps and they worked fine. A Tech. at MIT said He would not use them that way as tube cables are designed for tube amps. He also said it would not cause a service problem for the amp (Classe CA 300). I have been getting conflicting reports on this and I hate to miss out on a good deal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Well Pops if the 750's are working well in your system, wait till you hear the 770 reference. Like a major component upgrade. These MIT cables HAVE to be system dependent. I can not believe what I am hearing. And the 750's were good indeed. Now this is more like it and what I knew these speakers could deliver.
Hey Tubegroover I just bought Thiels and can't use my 750 biwire anymore - it's just too messy to try and double it up and I'm afraid something will come loose and short out something. That's happened to me in another lifetime with another set of cables - shorted out the capacitors or whatever in the network. I had some Kimber 8TC laying around and it sounds pretty darn good on the Thiels, my system is warm CJ,Classe and MIT ic's. Hey maybe you mentioned already but what speaks are you using. Cheers! Long live Jim Beam!
Merlin VSM-SE soon to be upgraded to Millenium; the sound is finally Magic, 6 months to get there, now for some fine tuning.
Hi guys, I have a Classe 200 running Proac 3.8's. I currently have two pairs of speaker cables; Harmonic Tech pro nine biwire and MIT 750 biwire. The harmonic tech are more transparent, detailed, and have better depth. The MIT deliver more bass and have a more natural soundstage. Also instruments sound fuller with the MIT. I like both these cables in my system but still want to try others.