No idea why Krissy never mentioned this, but I shipped her some of my secret sauce on 2.25.22 and she said she did all kinds of conductivity, flow and audio testing on it and claimed it was 1000 times better than TC.
She suggested sending it to the group for testing themselves
She suggested pricing.
And she obviously had other ideas she forgot to share with me as she continued blabbing what was agreed to be kept secret,
She even wanted to call it perfect path and now she's masquerading as a guy called deludedaudiophile signing on two days ago and sounds just like Krissy bragging about what a great physicist she is. A moderator check on the IP address would be nice.
Anyway, the finished cable is up now, but don't buy it, just look please. EE testing from someone you can trust next week. NanoFlo will be back up tomorrow at $399 for twice the amount in the $800 bottle Krissy said you guys would go for. Cut out the middleman and you save some cash.