I saw that beast in sound and vision.
Cannot fathom why the hell anyone would want a TV that big.
For the same price, you can hang a plasma for casual viewing on the wall, put a retractable screen in front of it, and a nice high quality projector in the room for serious watching.
Save yerself, yer friends, the delivery guys the hernia and backpain.
that TV takes up a serious chunk of living room real estate.
If you also want bragging rights, then the TV is definatly the way to go.
I diddnt read the review cause the thing is way to rediculous for me to ever consider, but make damn sure this thing is gonna be compatible with HDTV once everything between the FCC, DTV makers, and broadcasters is worked out, or else yer gonna have one hell of a boat anchor.
Cannot fathom why the hell anyone would want a TV that big.
For the same price, you can hang a plasma for casual viewing on the wall, put a retractable screen in front of it, and a nice high quality projector in the room for serious watching.
Save yerself, yer friends, the delivery guys the hernia and backpain.
that TV takes up a serious chunk of living room real estate.
If you also want bragging rights, then the TV is definatly the way to go.
I diddnt read the review cause the thing is way to rediculous for me to ever consider, but make damn sure this thing is gonna be compatible with HDTV once everything between the FCC, DTV makers, and broadcasters is worked out, or else yer gonna have one hell of a boat anchor.