Mixing and Matching Cable Brands: Bad Idea??

I've wondered if there is anything scientific to some claims that different brands of cable, when installed in the same system, can "work against" each other. Is there any truth to this?

I've flipped around different brand cables from front end to back end and never got the results I wanted. I recently threw out my patchwork of copper and started over with same brand ICs and speaker cables. The results were dramatically better. And it's not as if i made a huge upgrade. The move was relatively lateral. What's your experience?

Thanx in advance.
I've actually had success both ways.

Initially for two years I tried a hodgepodge of different brand of cables without getting satisfying results. I then went to a single brand throughout my system including power cords and this worked very well.

A year later I got the upgrade bug and started to change out cables one at a time with different brands, and this worked great.

Eventually this led to outfitting my system with cables from a single manufacturer again and it was even better.

Just last week I received speaker cables from a maker different than the ones I'm using now.

So I guess the moral of the story is...
you can find success both ways as long as you find cables that work with your equipment. Or a combination of different cables that work together.

Sorry if I've confused you even more.
Do not do it! You will create a soup sandwich. How will you be able hear which is speaking the truth. Well the most truth. You must be consistent to be coherent... Tom
It's no more right and wrong than mixing and matching your components and as such you'll hear about good and bad results of such endeavors. Just like good and bad stories about mixing and matching components.

As Duke Ellington said...."If it sounds good, it is good".

Same "Brand" probably does not matter. Most brands make many "Models" that have nothing in common with each other. Only the company name on the jacket is the same.

I assume your gear (Preamp, Amp, CD, Phono, Tuner, etc) is not all made by the same company, and is also not the same company as the cables are using. So using the same cable should not really matter much, when most likely the gear is not all the same brands as well?

I must admit though that I do like what happens when I connect a Blue Circle preamp and amplifier together with the Blue Circle BC-95 interconnects. This is a case where gear and cables are all the same company. That does not mean that other brands of cables will not work as well or better.