Thanks all! I was expecting such responses but not certain. Even though the transport may be more costly, certainly seems worth it, so I will wait to purchase transport over modifying Mac Mini.
Modified Mac Mini or CD Transport
I got my upgraded Ayer QB 9 Twenty a couple months ago and noticed how good it is when compared to the QB 9 DSD. I also realized how in need I am of improving the signal from server to DAC. Or at least I believe a better signal would be an antidote to tweaking the characteristics of my digital sound. If I had to name a few characteristics I’m hoping to achieve they would be; cleaning up the signal from noise and grit, adding a little more punch to the lower end, faster transients plus maybe rolling off the top end. I bought my Ayre in 2010 and back then, a Mac Mini was the way to go but as technology gets better and better,I’m doing what I can to keep up.
Uptone Audio offers a Mac Mini Kit with linear power supply package at around $1,000.00. Or I was thinking about saving more over a couple months and buying a used Aurender N100H transport but that would be closer to $2,000.00. And my local dealer has a Naim Uniti Core at $2,700.00 before discount. Of course other insights or suggestions are appreciated.
I got my upgraded Ayer QB 9 Twenty a couple months ago and noticed how good it is when compared to the QB 9 DSD. I also realized how in need I am of improving the signal from server to DAC. Or at least I believe a better signal would be an antidote to tweaking the characteristics of my digital sound. If I had to name a few characteristics I’m hoping to achieve they would be; cleaning up the signal from noise and grit, adding a little more punch to the lower end, faster transients plus maybe rolling off the top end. I bought my Ayre in 2010 and back then, a Mac Mini was the way to go but as technology gets better and better,I’m doing what I can to keep up.
Uptone Audio offers a Mac Mini Kit with linear power supply package at around $1,000.00. Or I was thinking about saving more over a couple months and buying a used Aurender N100H transport but that would be closer to $2,000.00. And my local dealer has a Naim Uniti Core at $2,700.00 before discount. Of course other insights or suggestions are appreciated.
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