Mods for DYNA ST-70, What do you think??

I have a old Dynaco ST-70, what to do. Put new caps and tubes, maybe a new board. Should you leave it stock and up-grade parts or modify it. If so what kind of modification?
I have modified several ST-70s over the years and the only stock parts I keep are the chassis, transformers, choke, and bias pots. Everything else (RCAs, quadcap, binding posts, etc.) should be replaced with quality parts. I have replaced the 7199 front end with a 12AX7 front end that Jim Aud of Purist Audio came up with several years ago. Considering it's hard to find good 7199s anymore the 12AX7 front end is the way to go and is sonically superior.
Since you know a lot about the ST-70, I will ask you if it normal for them to have a chasis hum, not audible in the speakers but directly from the chasis? I can hear mine from 20 feet away when the music is very soft.
Thanks to all who answered my question about chasis hum in the ST-70. It turns out there was an open circuit in the rectifier, which was fixed by adding a diode in the path. Now it is quiet again and I have sold it.