Modular LP record storage suggestions

After a recent move I am sitting in my new home with about 30 book & record boxes sitting in my garage, wanting to come inside. I figure to pare them out once I can get them out and keep perhaps 1/3 of what's out there. That might be about 1,000 albums or so. I've got a 6' long wall unused in a bedroom to place storage. I would want something up to about 6' in height.  That's a lot of weight. In my old home I had steel-and-wire shelving that's inexpensive but inefficient insofar as there's little side support. I also had some of the old popular IKEA units that were efficient and heavy, but their new Kallix units look insubstantial to me. So I've come to the source where many of you surely have faced the same deal.  All the interior bookcases I've found look too shaky for this. Otherwise, garage units (this doesn't have to be pretty!) are supportive enough, although usually too deep (24"). Most I've found also either have non-flat shelf surfaces and/or lack any kind of side support, on the ends or in the middle. The vertical supports between albums are the hardest thing to find. It would be nice if there were some sort of modular shelving, especially if it were narrow, like 3 feet or so, that you could put side by side. I'm open to ideas here, obviously. Having someone come in and build me a bookcase heavy enough for this seems very expensive. Garage type units would be much cheaper and just as good (and easier).  



For those with a nearby IKEA, compare the KALLAX to the EKET. The superiority of the latter over the former will be glaringly obvious. Push on the side of the KALLAX (near the top) and see what happens.  Then do the same to an EKET.


There’s been a lot of questioning for a while as to whether Boltz even exists any longer as a reputable option. They have a website and contact points but I’d need real customer feedback before I’d actually send these people money, they are pricey.


The Boltz LP-2012-1 (storage capacity 90 LP’s) costs $269. The single cube IKEA EKET (capacity 60-65 LP’s) costs $20. The 4-cube EKET (capacity 250-260) costs $60. The fifteen 4-cube EKETs I bought cost me $750 (current price $900), and will accommodate around 3750 LP’s. Put another way, the $269 one spends on a Boltz that holds 90 LP’s will buy one four and a half 4-cube EKETs, which will hold around 1125 LP’s. To house 1125 LP’s in the Boltz rack will cost one about $4300. To house my collection in the Boltz would cost me around $10,750. That $10,000 ($10,750 minus $750) will buy a lot of LP's!

I myself hate the somewhat industrial look of the Boltz, and find the dark gray EKET to look rather nice against my Benjamin Moore "Mink" colored walls. To each his/her own!


I use the newer IKEA KALLAX, but I put a FULL back panel on them. This helps keep them stronger and the records don't go all the way out of the back of the cubes. Also I am a woodworker, and have always built my own record storage, but after seeing that the cost of good hardwood plywood and the hardwood trim has doubled the KALLAX was the cheaper option. I bought three KALLAX 12 cube units on sale and 3 sheets of 1/4 inch plywood for around $350.

Mapleshade has an excellent modular hardwood solution. They are like beefy oak "orange crates" that stack on top of each other so are very flexible and if you have to move you can just unstack them.