Modwright SWL 9.0SE -vs- Aesthetix Calypso?

I was just wondering if anyone out there has owned both, heard both, or compared both the Aesthetix Calypso and the Modwright SWL 9.0SE preamps?
If so, what were the sonic differences between the two?
Which is overall sonically superior?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your responses so far!
Keep 'em coming.
Merry Christmas to all of you as well!
So far I prefer the Modwright to

Exemplar Exception 2
Thor TA 1000 MK2
CJ 17LS2
Supratek Chardoney

I have had many others, but in a leser price range, and all of the above are more $$$$.

I am waiting for a Dodd refence pre-amp to come my way, after Gary is done with the upgrades. Than I will send this one back to Dan for his..

Sorry I cannot help with the Calypso, but, for the $$$$, and the quality, I feel the MOdwright is just KICKASS good.

Good luck in your journey, and let us know whatcha do.
Well, I can't be of any help with this comparison. I can tell you that I recently put a Calypso up against my BAT vk50se. At first I was not impressed with the Calypso. It just didn't have the deep, wide soundstage like the BAT although it was more detailed. Then I replaced the tubes with Telefunken 12ax7's and Amperex white label 6922's. To make this story short, my BAT is now up for sale. The point I'm trying to make is that sometimes these units are not so impressive in their stock configuration and can change dramatically with differenct tubes and power cords.

Good luck and Merry Christmas to you too!

I can't be of help either in the comparision. But in my system, the Modwright SE equiped with NOS Tungsol tubes was a disappointment. Main issue I had was a lack of soundstage depth, width and height. Presentation was foward with a non-relaxed sound. Kinda like a solid state grip. Not very transparent or detailed.

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