@moonwatcher, what engineers do you know who believe that PCM does not even come close and that DSD256 and better is perfect? You have been listening to Paul's spiel at PS Audio a bit too much. I don't think he is an engineer in any sense of the word. 24/96 is the vast majority of what is done digital today during recording. Why? 24/192 only creates more data but does not sound any better. Even if someone was to record in DSD, practically no one mixes or masters in DSD. They convert to PCM, work in PCM, and then convert back to DSD. Even Sony's DSD editing system isn't pure single bit DSD at high data rate. It is converted to 8 bits. With PCM, all the tools are, or have moved to 64 bit processing internally. If it makes you feel any better, all those 24 bit ADCs are sigma-delta converters so essentially start as DSD, then just convert down to PCM.
Audiophile companies make stuff that audiophiles will buy. That does not mean it is better or best. Somehow DSD got a reputation within the community, not because it sounds better, but probably because the recordings were better. If you are working purely in DSD, out of necessity, you are probably doing less tinkering. Philes still like physical media too. Not many have SACD players any more, but even fewer philes have something that can play a physical high resolution digital disc on their audio system that is not SACD.