Mogami Speaker cable question

Hello all,

One of the guy that I highly respected in Hi end audio suggested Mogami for a budget speaker cable but they have so many different type by number. Wondering if any of you are using them and what is the best one in Mogami?

Eddy, My comment was not meant to be cruel. Mogami wire has not changed much over the years and quite frankly neither has thoughts about it. "New" thoughts are not bye the way necessarily "better" thoughts, and in fact they can often be made with less valuable knowledge of the past. I’m not talking about opinion. My suggestion was based on no mention of any past knowledge on your part. As you may be well aware of, Mogami is used throughout the world for studio patch cords "mic wire" and one could argue if it is good enough for a microphone that is on our recordings, why not use it in your kit? Most folks have recommended W3103 (11agw 2 conductor) or W3104 (11agw 4 conductor) for diy over the years. But, you would do best to do a little digging here and at AA rather than simply take my word.

Happy Listening!

I've tried the Mogami W3082 which is a coax cable and the W3103 which is a regular 2 conductor speaker cable.  Both were very good, but in my system and to my ears the Canare 4S11 was better than both of these and better than the Belden.

IMHO, the Canare 4S11 is not only the best budget cable out there, but one of the best period.  It does require a very lengthy break-in time. 
Redco is a great supplier of Mogami and Canare . I have purchased from them several times . There really is only two options for Mogami speaker wire . One is coaxial and the other is the two conductor 3103 ($2.94 ft) . 3104 is four conductors (same wire as 3103) great for bi-wiring and $5.25 ft . They also offer doing terminations for you if you wish , banana , spade  ect... for a nominal fee. I find the Mogami to be neutral in my systems . I have not tried every single cable out there so i will not speak as to other cables . I get the sound i want from my system as is ,so i do not chase the dragon so to speak as far as wiring goes . If you buy twenty feet of 3103 and do not like it i will buy it from you . I need twenty more feet as it is . Will pay you full retail too .
I use Mogami wire in my system for RCAs and speaker wire. Check my system page for details.