Mola Mola Tambaqui Roon vs Separate Streamers

I'm currently using my Mola Mola Tambaqui with Roon streaming Tidal.

Has anyone added a separate streamer such as the Auralic Aries G2/2.1 or the Lumin U1?  If so, was differences did you hear with the streamer addition?  Is it worthwhile?  

I'd love to hear feedback from other Tambaqui owners.



So here is a question:  A main advantage of wifi is by avoiding possible noise that ethernet cables can aquire.  To get wifi downstairs in my audio roo0m, I need th run a ling cable down there for a wifi extender, or a mesh wifi satellite.  Isn't the ethernet wire to the wifi station just a likely to acquire noise as the wire to my streamer?

FWIW, a long while back when I changed from a small USB hard disk for my files to a NAS I had to decide whether to rely on wi-fi or drill a hole for ethernet.  So I bought a cheap 50 foot ethernet cable on ebay and tried it against the wi-fi.  The cable clearly outperformed the wi-fi.  So I bit the bullet, drilled the hole and have ben satisfied with a relatively short cable ever since.  As usual, YMMV.

i tried an auralic streamer fairly early in my streaming journey, iirc, they prefer wifi for noise reduction purposes, but of course this assumes that the signal is strong and stable (which for many it is decidedly NOT)... back then i had not run the hardwire lan into the listening room and the auralic worked very well for me over my wifi