Monitor Audio Gold 300 (5G) vs Monitor Audio Platinum 200 II

Besides of the price difference (and the technical differences such as frequency range, Gold starting from 30 Hz and going up to 'only' 50 kHz versus Platinum from 35 Hz to 100 kHz), somebody heard them side by side?


Is there a big difference in how they sound (using good equipment/amplifying)?

And what about room sensitivity/room control?


Hi Vhond! I haven’t heard either but I had some Gold GX50’s and I have seen both speakers you asked about.


I’ve read that some people prefer the 4g’s ribbon tweeter over the amt of the 5g.


Between the 2 you mention, I imagine that the platinums will be a smoother, more refined delicate sound.


I don’t ghink Monitor Audio gets the love they deserve.  The Gx50’s I had were awesome little speakers and possibly the best built speakers I’ve owned.  


I agree with b_limo. I've had a few models from the Silver line over the years. Impressive speakers and the build quality is off the charts.

I am curious about the difference of sound considering the stiffness of the enclosure (the platinum's weight is higher) and the difference of the drivers for high frequencies and midtones.

I once have auditioned the Gold 200 versus the Platinum 200: the mids of the Platinum had more 'airiness' (probably because of the bigger mid driver of this speaker), I only have heard the Gold 300's but I didn't notice it then.

The Platinum's went deeper and tighter (concerning the lowest frequencies) than the Gold 200's.

Sounds like you get what you pay for. I'd love to hear them as well. No dealer here.