Monitor Audio Pl 300ii vs. KEF Reference 5

I own the KEF Reference 5s.  I borrowed the Monitor Audio Pl300 ii speakers for comparison, which is still under way.  Thoughts so far:  Both are good speakers.  The KEFs provide a lot of detail.  Listening to classical music, you can hear orchestral instruments and sections pretty clearly.  Background and counter melodies can be identified. Piano music is very realistic.  The MAs do not provide as much instrumental detail but they do have a more mellow, deeper, broader sound.  Which is better is really a matter of personal choice.  As I said, I’m still listening so these are some quick preliminary reactions.  More later.  
C'mon....I'm being Punk'ed, right?   I keep looking for the hidden camera.
There's no way that "bo1972" is a real person, right?   It has to be a random-language-generator that just spits out phrases over and over, intermingled with regular words.   Right?!?

I see you're a newbie. He's real. I know that it's hard to believe, but he's real. What you're seeing is only a tiny fraction of threads that he has posted, but they are really all the same. 
Most people have never really thought about what sound is and how it works. The facts proof that most even cannot answer the most simple questions. What do you think you are doing?

When you think and believe that trial and error will give you 'your' sound you are too stuppid to face the truth. When I talk these days with people about trial and error. They all agree that I am right that there is no foundation at all.

People don't like to be faced with the truth and facts. It proofs that the way to do audio is not the best way. People who will never accept that they made a mistake will stay where they are. But....when you want to leanr something and you want to create a much better quality and sound you have the freedom to use it.

I have to admitt that there is not enough good and honest information about audio. I have talked a lot with many distributers and even with manufacturers about the knowledge and insight in audio. And they all see and hear that the knowledge and insight is getting less each single year.

When you let people audition an audiuosystem what can reveal all the different properties of sound they all react the same way. Because they can hear their own music at a level they never heard before. It is the same music, but it has so much more to offer. And they can hear things that they never noticed before.

The acoustics influences the sound and stage the most. For that this is an essential part to learn what it does and how it works. This is why we spend the most time in research and testing in this part. With our measurement we have proven how much more details in the whole frequency rannge we can create compared to what we call 1980 audio.

Most people cannot even imagine how much they loose by the acoustics of their room. Beside the acoustics audio is being limited a lot by smog, magnetism and high frequent noise. Most people even don't know these parts.

We started to spend a lot of time on electricity for the beginning in 2015. We always have a lot of contact with different specialists in areas they have a lot of knowledge in. And we share a lot of information. And when I see what we accomplished in these parts it is stunning.

It proofs how these parts negatively influence the sound and stage. And money will not help you. Most people have no idea how limited the real quality is they actual can use of each part in their system. We use many different tool and have many different modifications regarding smog, magnetism and high frequent noise. 

It is so much more effective than spending more money on loudspeakers, amps, spources and cables. Each decision we make the results are the most important part. All decisions we make are founded on the best efficiency we can create and reach.

Tru-Fi has proven over and over again that it outperforms each audiosystem  what is being created by each person themselves by trial and error. Even this can easily be explained. Based on the fact that it can reveal so much more details and layers of each recording. And all different properties of sound are so much more easy to observe. 

Our S.A.P.-measuement gives us access to more details and layers in the whole frequency range. But the other important benefit is that we have so much more control and authority than people ever experienced in their life.

All the tools and modifications we do limited the effect of smog, magnetism and figh frequent noise a lot. This gives us access to a much higher level of each part in an audiosystem. When you are an extreme perfectionist as I am, everything you do is focused on result. There is never room for error. This is in my world only for the born losers of this world.

Audio done by trial and error is the level of a child. Based on the fact that there is no foundation. This again can be explained by facts. Most do not like to hear this.

But what would you like to hear? The truth or the thing you would like to hear. And believe me there are a lot of people who like to hear the things they prefer to hear. Even if that is not the truth. We cannot help these people. We work by facts and thye truth. Because in our world this is the only way to do it right.

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When you work by Tru-Fi you use all the different properties of sound. So you judge each audiosystem by all these different properties. This has nothing to do with insult. We are only talking about facts. And when you cannot deal with the facts, it is your problem.

The people who own products which are incomplete in properties are the one who are screaming overhere at Audiogon. I am sorry that you own audioproducts which are not that good. What you hear is what you get. That makes audio so easy for everyone to understand.

Each single person will always choose and desire that sound and stage what influences their emotion the most. This has nothing to do with personal taste. This is due to how our human emotion works regarding music and sound. This works for each person the same way.

Maybe you have a different tatste of music, but at the end all music possesses properties of sound. And again we are talking about facts. And when an audiosystem lacks different properties of sound this system will have a lower level in emotion for each single person.

When you hear your beloved music with a system what ia able to reveal all the details and different properties this is the one you will always choose blind. Based on the fact that our emotion will have a preference for this kind of sound and stage.

Most people who have audio as a hobby have not the insight and knowledge about all the different properties of sound. As they do not have a lot of knowledge and experience with the acoustics, smog, high frequent noise and magnetism.

When you do audio bu Tru-Fi it proofs over and over agian how much more intense and emotional people experience their music. And again this can be explained by sound and telling people about all the different properties of sound.

When you choose all your different parts of your system by trial and erro you will never understand why the sound and stage of your system is what you hear. You are gambling and hoping that you took the right decision. 

But Tru-Fi can proof and make clear that these trial and error systems always miss essential parts of sound. When new clients hear with their own music a Tru-Fi system they noe in a few seconds that it is a totally different world.

You see their smile on their faces and often they say; I never experienced mu music this intense. Because they can hear their music for the first time with all the detail and layers it owns. And this makes a big impression on all people.

What all our clients have in common is that they all use their systems so much more often en they listen for a much longer time. This can easily be explained by the fact that all different properties of sound can influence our emotion.

When you become aware that your system can reveal all details and layers you want to experience this again and again. That is why many of our clients use the word; addictive. We spend a lot of time in reading about how our emotion works regarding music.

It gave us so much information to understand how sound and music works. We use a lot of this information for all our modifications and tools we use in our systems.

I learned during classical live concerts that both voices and instruments are very direct and small in dimension when you audition it in real. We call this intimate sound.

We use acoustic songs with only a few instruments to explain people what intiamte sound is and how it works.

When you compare a 2D system vs a 3D system, it ie very easy to understand that the 2D system the intimate sound is alsmot gone. This is due to the fact that there is no space around de singer. When you play the same song with a 3D system, it becomes clear how much more intense the voice becoms during listenig. It brings you closer to the music.