Monitors for Linn Majik...HELP!

I purchased used Linn Majik I integ. amp. I am looking for good monitors...Linn Tukan or B@W CDM1..Totem 1S Spendor..etc??? There is too many recommended speakers out...NEED HELP
See my comments above regarding "Monitors under $1k". Like Naim, I believe there is a synergy between Linn components. I would highly recommend auditioning a pair of Tukans.
l owned majik,linn tukan sound excelent,CAUSE THEY lm using linn keilidh just for bigguer sound and more bas but with tukan you will have a lot details and well bass,try with vampire cables st lll and blue heaven silver cables.
l owned majik,linn tukan sound excelent,CAUSE THEY lm using linn keilidh just for bigguer sound and more bas but with tukan you will have a lot details and well bass,try with vampire cables st lll and blue heaven silver cables.both
I owned a Majik and got great results with a pair of Meadowlark Kestrels. The Kestrels are the best under 1000.00 speakers that I have heard and they actually have bass.