Mono Blocks for B&W 801 s3

Mono Blocks to Replace Krell KSA-250.

I am currently driving B&W 801 Series 3 with the Krell KSA-250.

1) I think the 801's deserve a bit more power, and
2) I would like mono blocks to eliminate long speaker cables.

My Krell (that has been recapped) is worth about $2,800 and I could add $2K more, so I'm looking to pay $4-5K.

Suggestions, Comments?
I concur, Dayglow. Emotiva does have good power ratings, but the sound is absolutely not high end. More like upper mid-fi at the most.
I use B&W 801 S-3's. Before settling on my current amps, I used Classe CAM 350 mono blocks. Also, I auditioned a pair of Bryston ST7 amps. Both were outstanding performers. The Classe was the best of the two for me. Plenty of power and very sweet on top. I currently use VTL 450MKII tubed mono blocks, My system is posted here and Dave 72 and I exchanged comments regarding my use of tube amp there.