Moon 110 LP phono pre-amp?? Is this a good valuable or is there better for less??

Need some feedback about the sound quality of the Moon 110LP MM/MC phono stage.  Music Direct  has the silver units on sale for $325 which retails for $699.  Seems like a good value, but am curious if the Lounge Audio box is better value for a little less money  ($299.00)

(A member recommended the Musical Paradise MM/MC phono stage but it is $499 and more than I can spend)

BTW,.... Music Direct is bundling a Music Hall MMF 5.1  turntable  and their  "Magic" MM cartridg with the Moon LP110 phono preamp for $999.00. However, the "Magic"  cartridge looks like a "re-tread" of the Ortofon QM-10 cartridge which  is/was a major turkey.  I also have some reservations about the offered MH  MMF-5.1, and whether the newer MMF 5.3 is much better table but not offered in any bundled the time. 

 Would be nice to get some feedback before "Cyber Monday Sales" go bye-bye   Thanks to all,   SJ  

I was invited to listen to Sim's early Moon phono stages and I think they have come along way but to be honest its not something i think they do well. I think for that price range the Graham Slee stuff is much better amongst others.

To glennewdick,  I considered the Graham Slee MM phono pre-amp that sells for $410 on  Music Direct, and possibly less, used.  However, I wanted the flexibility of possibly using a low output MC. However,   I did read one review on the Moon 110 LP which considered it above average. However. several AG members credibly endorsed the Moon. Fortunately, Music Direct has a 60 return policy. so if I don't like it I can return  for full refund and try the GL.  Thanks for the comment

To wineguy, I probably said that about many high end products that are "grossly overpriced" (but not  necessarily Sim)  Also, check out the last two issues of TAS  to review the really  high priced spreads.  

The Moon LP110  retails for 649.00. so buying one brand new for $325.00 seems like a good deal to me.  Am  I a hypocrite for wanting to save money?? 

Graham slee makes them in MC and MM but there is also many other's out there try something used. I just know i was not moved by the Sim phono and returned the one i was using just didn't find it very musical compared to others out there. but that's my taste of course.