More output from Analog set up, MC Transformer?

I am pretty happy with my set up of Origin Live Oasis S/Illustrious/ Koetsu Rosewood Signature into a Clearaudio Reference phono stage, Conrad johnson Premier 17, Pass labs Aleph 3, Living Voice Avatar speakers, cabling is Acoustic Zen. i am happy with it, but the Clearaudio is rated at 57db of gain and the CJ needs the wick cranked up to 50 to 60/100 for a good output.
The koetsu is rated at .6mv of gain, I am not convinced, I feel it is probably lower. The sound lacks a little oomph. The set up is detailed and polite and that's the way I like it, but the analog sound is a little too polite. I do'nt want to change the basic set up, it makes a great sound, but do you think an MC transformer would give the sound a bit more grunt, if so which? Presumably I only need 10 to 20db of extra gain. Am I completely on the wrong track, looking to a transformer to improve things? Thanks for any advise
Dear Tbg: +++++ " I use it with the Ortofon and will never go back to just a high gain phono stage. " +++++

Which one or which ones high gain phono stages are you talking about?

Regards and enjoy the music.
I am using the H-Cat phono and presently an Exemplar tube line stage. The H-Cat has MM and MC inputs with 40 and 60 db of gain respectively. There are provisions for a load from 47K ohms down. With the transformer, I am using 47K although it would prefer 100K. Without it and on MC, I use a 100 ohm load as recommended.
i forgot to mention leaness can also be caused by restricted low bass extension. a sub can help.
Thanks again for all your advise, I know my system is quite polite anyway. The power amp, Aleph 3 and Living Voice speakers, have a lovely sound, but do'nt pin you to tour chair
well, I've taken the plunge and bought a YS Audio audio Experience Solo MC transformer. No I've never heard of it either, it's a Chinese manufactured valve transformer, reduced from $1000 to $360. If It does'nt work, no real harm done. I'll report back what I found and thanks again.