Morrow Audio Speaker Cables

Came across this company and I’m curious if anyone has experience or comments with their speaker cables from a quality vs cost standpoint.  Thanks for your thoughts. 


And their warranty is real. Grandkids managed to bend one of the bananas on my SP5 Biwire and they cheerfully and quickly reterminated  it. No questions asked. 

Dishman442….the SP6’s are just fine and I’m happy with their performance.  However, I have been making many changes to my system (being a good audiophile) so I haven’t been able to focus on improvements associated with just the speaker cables.  My overall assessment is the SP6’s made a significant improvement over my previous inexpensive braided copper wire cables.  Enhanced definition, clarity and soundstage that was easily noticeable.  I have no intention to replace them at this point!

OP, I want to thank you for starting this thread.  It got me thinking that the cables in my system were probably two decades old.

A mix of Nordost Blue heaven , Red dawn and Kimber hero. The Nordost were a little tizzy on the horns in my system and lacked a little bass. The kimber hero's excelled in base but lacked a little in the high end. I've been going back and forth using them on various locations trying to optimize.

Anyway, saw this thread and decided to try the MA4 -and ordered  two set - they seem to add the attractive qualities of the Nordost and the kimbers .

A definite upgrade for not a lot of outlay. I like them and ordered two more sets to fill out the system
