
Responses from tomaswv

Power Cables
I’ve used Acoustic Zen, Nordost, and Morrow power cables on my components. All three improved the sound noticeably on my Cambridge Audio 851n streamer/DAC and my Oppo 83 which I use for SACD. A more subtle improvement on my Bel Canto PRE5 preamp, ... 
Shocked. Need Opinions. How muck power do I need?
Many thanks. Good point about a quick listen vs living with it for a while and at low levels.   
Favorite moment with music in your car.
A post from 2018: Weather report: A Remark you Made (heavy weather) and I am transported back to a moonlit night sometime around 1984 driving a 1976 Monte Carlo with Heavy Weather in the 8-track, accelerating up the on ramp from 422 in Girard Ohi... 
Morrow Audio Speaker Cables
I’m a big fan. I am very happy with my SP-5s and I had an MA 5 streamer to preamp and a MA 4 preamp to amp.  Both XLR. During a recent sale I upgraded the  MA 4 to a 5, really just to feel the system was balanced. Heard a slight improvement, but t... 
Anybody have Experience with Alta Audio Alyssa Speaker
I listened to Alyssa speakers at Axpona.  I was really impressed.  Obviously it was in a hotel room but I sat front and center and the sound was solid.   Leonard Cohen and Sharon Robinson singing By the Rivers Dark: sublime.   When I upgrade my sp... 
Your thoughts on best audiophile speakers in $10,000 neighborhood?
Having experiencing Axpona yesterday I can tell you what really, really struck me as remarkable: Alta Audio Alyssa ($5K)—a stand mount speaker, which is what I’m looking for.  These are in my list! The Alec is a tower type in the $8K range.  These... 
Flexible Power Cords
Morrow Cables. Very very supple.  I want from AQ to Acoustic Zen to Nordost to Morrow. Happy with the Morrow sound. And I’m using mid level MAP3s. With my morrow ICs and speaker cables, I’ve notice a positive benefit each time I climbed the ladder.   
What is going on here? Streamer or DAC?
Well, as a final follow up here, I believe the thing is just kaput.  Probably a power supply failing, or possibly the streamer.  I sent a query in to Cambridge and I have to say I was impressed— they asked several follow up questions before conclu... 
Power cable recommendations for wyred 4 sound Sti-Intergrated amp
I’ve tried various power cables over the years (acoustic zen, Nordost, and morrow). They each made a clear improvement in my source components (cd player and streamer/DAC and preamp) but made little or no discernible difference in my class D amps ... 
What is going on here? Streamer or DAC?
So here is the update. After cleaning out Qobuz cache and rebooting the Cambridge as described above, I believe the stutter starting has gone away. I say I believe because I thought it might have happened once or twice when I wasn’t paying strict ... 
What is going on here? Streamer or DAC?
But the cache was already empty…   maybe it needed cleared out anyway then I rebooted before anything was streamed.  Maybe a clean handshake kind of deal?  
What is going on here? Streamer or DAC?
Yes. That is what I did, but the catch was aredynety because I had previously disabled the storage. I’ve started maybe fifty songs so far with no stutter starts. Fingers crossed.   
What is going on here? Streamer or DAC?
I’ve done that. I have deactivated importing so it doesn’t save anything.  This is on the Qobuz app.  When I go to Qobuz via Cambridge streammagic app, I don’t see where there is a cache and it doesn’t import to Cambridge.   
What is going on here? Streamer or DAC?
The plot thickens.  Yes, only when streaming Qobuz, though that’s all I stream. Files from NAS play fine as does internet radio and audio from tv (optical in).   thought I had a theory, now not so sure.    hooked up the old streamer to the new D... 
What is going on here? Streamer or DAC?
The old unit is Cambridge 851n. I’ve been happy with the sound and the streammagic app. The new unit (in my second system) is Cambridge Evo 75.  my main system is the 851n (with NAS attached) to a Bel Canto pre5 to Bel Canto 500m monoblocks to Dal...